Data Success Stories

Companies across industries use Etleap to unlock insights from their data faster. These are some of their stories.
“Just as we’ve moved from on-prem to AWS because we don’t want to be in the business of building data centers, we’re leveraging Etleap because we don’t want to be in the business of building data pipelines.”
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“We use Etleap as our unified ETL solution because it offered the best AWS integration and solutions to the challenges we were facing.”
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“We were up and running in 6 weeks, which was incredible.”
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“If we didn’t have the Etleap and Snowflake solution in place we definitely would need more people.”
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“Etleap is all about accountability and ownership. My team is less stressed knowing Etleap will be on top of any pipeline issues that arise.”
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“As Tophatter’s user base expanded exponentially, Etleap seamlessly scaled to support their increased volume of ingestion pipelines and materialized data models.”
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“Etleap is robust. Its agility with semi-structured data and JSON allows for a much more patient-centric approach.”
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“Having Etleap ingest line-delimited JSON is bulletproof. We point to an S3 bucket and path, the Data Wrangler pulls it apart, and we do any final touches to types and that’s it.”
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“Etleap allowed us to be nimble and agile while still providing data for the whole company, across all our databases.”
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